TV-series are long form content divided into smaller parts.
The beginning of this episode hurls us right into the aftermath of Prince Jaehaerys’ death. There is a real sense of chaos and dread in King's Landing, that is masterfully built through cinematography and some great color grading. Dark, mute and solemn shades that help set the mood of what we are just stepping out of, or perhaps...what we are getting ready to step into?
Jun 25, 2024
Benedict Cumberbatch who is previously known from roles like Doctor Strange and Sherlock Holmes is back in the new Netflix show ‘Eric’. In the show he plays the alcoholic puppeteer Vincent. Vincent's lifework is the Sesame Street-esque show Good day sunshine that he is making together with his friend Lennie (Danny Fogler) in New york during the 80s.
Jun 6, 2024